How can I help?
The teacher librarian is very diverse in what can be done to help the teacher and student. Don’t know what we can do to help….the easiest thing is to ask. You can drop in, make a phone call, or drop us a line in an email.
If there was a job description for what I do this is just part of it:
Teaches students to locate, evaluate, analysis, synthesis, select, create and share information using many different types of formats.
Promotes a culture of questioning, information seeking, and discovery through the research process.
Links on-line resources with physical ones. (or even virtual)
Links teachers with techniques and students with inquiry.
Shelters students who may need a safe haven.
Reminds students about manners with technology and social responsibility including returning materials, sharing ideas, citing sources and enjoying learning.
Creates scavenger hunts, breakout activities, photos, fieldtrips, co-teaching opportunities, and works with staff to develop lessons and units.
Fosters creativity through the use of digital, physical, and brainstorming activities.
Challenges students to question, think critically, acquire, evaluate, draw conclusions, create, and share.
Curates resources for the curriculum and teaches the power of curation which includes selection, organization, and management of physical and digital content.
Serves a variety of fiction and non-fiction materials for enjoyment and for learning.
Provides equitable access to information and technology for all learners.
Promotes collaboration between students, teachers, administrators and parents (in other words the school community).
Manages a vast array of resources to ensure students have access to multiple viewpoints.
Meets diverse student needs, interest, language, cultural backgrounds, and abilities.
Sponsors special events such as clubs, author visits, poetry slams and more.
Advocates for legal and ethical use of information, technology, and resources. (copyright)
Locates whatever you are looking for, where ever it may be (within reason).
Learns new skills and ideas through research, professional development opportunities and connected learning networks.
Brings stories to students via books, book trailers, book talks, and a variety of presentation tools.
Guides students as they use information and technology. (Inquiry, project-based, research)
Knows about media and literature for children. (can help with individual choice of materials, advise on novels for class, help to create independent lessons)
Understands how students learn and how teachers teach.
Participates as a leader in professional associations and welcomes leadership opportunities.
Adapted from : An ethical island : how to each without a lecture and other fun. Retrieved on May 23 2018,